
Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Children of Birch Hill Cemetery - Fairbanks, Alaska (White Lady of Birch Hill)

Overlooking the city of Fairbanks, Alaska is the Birch Hill Cemetery which provides a great view of the town.  However, it is also well known around Fairbanks for another reason.  It is believed to be haunted by the spirits of children.

The misty figure in this photo taken by paranormal researcher Jessie Desmond, is a supposed ghost in Birch Hill Cemetery located in Fairbanks, Alaska
The misty figure in this photo taken by paranormal researcher Jessie Desmond, is a supposed ghost in Birch Hill Cemetery located in Fairbanks, Alaska

The full bodied apparition of a young boy has been seen wandering about the cemetery.  It is believed that this boy is from the early 1900s based on the type of clothing he is wearing.  This apparition is often seen just wandering around the cemetery as if looking for someone.  He does however, have company.  The most famous ghost of Fairbanks, Alaska, also resides in this location.  A young girl is often seen wandering through the graveyard wearing a white dress.  Witnesses say she is also dressed according to early 1900s fashion. She is commonly referred to as The White Lady of Birch Hill.  She was reportedly photographed on one occasion by paranormal researcher Jessie Desmond.

A few visitors to the cemetery have spotted a small dark figure floating just above the ground moving about the cemetery as if it were looking for something or perhaps playing.  Shadow figures have been known to be malevolent spirits, however there have been no reports of anything torrid happening to those witnessing this dark spirit.  

The ghost children of Birch Hill also seem to possibly take another form.  There are witnesses driving along Chena Hot Springs Road who look upon Birch Hill and see strange glowing orbs hovering the air above the cemetery. Sometimes, hovering, sometimes moving, seemingly dancing around, and some say they seem to radiate light. Could it be that these orbs are the spirits of the young children playing around?  Perhaps so.

A view of Fairbanks, Alaska taken from Birch Hill Cemetery where strange orbs and apparitions have been seen by visitors and passers by.
A view of Fairbanks, Alaska taken from Birch Hill Cemetery where strange orbs and apparitions have been seen by visitors and passers by.

It may be that these youngsters are victims of the 1918 influenza epidemic that hit Fairbanks.  Many died being isolated in the Arctic with lack of medicine when the epidemic struck.  No matter how they died, they wander in death among the grave markers, perhaps searching for a life they never knew.


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